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The five biggest misconceptions about Device as a Service


Have you ever thought about Device as a Service? One year ago, we launched our own DAAS solution. Experience has taught us that some misconceptions about DAAS are more common than others. In this blog, we try to eliminate these misconceptions and inform you as much as possible.


1. “DAAS is the same as IT leasing.”

Leasing is part of DAAS, but there is a big difference, which is the many services we offer in a Device as a Service solution. These include the configuration, repair, maintenance, replacement and disposal of the devices. With these services, we try to unburden our customers as much as possible.

Furthermore, we take over the devices after the term of 36 months with DAAS Compute and 24 months with DAAS Mobile. So you don’t have to worry about anything (operational lease). If you switch to a DAAS solution, we can take over your old hardware with our trade-in service. This service allows you to reinvest the residual value of the (old) devices.


2. “OPEX is only interesting for financially weak organisations”

Are you replacing the devices in your company every three to five years? That is quite an investment every time. With DAAS, you use an OPEX model, changing from a traditional hardware purchasing model to a model based on operational costs. What is the difference?


  • Operating Expenditures (OPEX) are recurring or operational costs. Hiring a consultant is a good example of OPEX. You hire the expertise you need at a pre-agreed hourly rate for a certain number of hours.
  • CAPEX are your capital expenditures. Think about investing in products. The purchase of devices for your employees falls under CAPEX.


Taking a printer as an example, the purchase (owning) falls under CAPEX and the annual costs for paper and ink under OPEX (using).
For some organisations, Device as a Service seems more like a solution for organisations that are struggling financially and cannot fund the full amount of hardware at once. They consider DAAS as a lease model, but that’s not right.

Device as a Service is just that, a service. With DAAS you pay a monthly fee, but that fee includes hardware and services. Ultimately, it has nothing to do with the financial health of your organisation, but with the breathing space that you give your IT team. Thanks to DAAS, your IT team can focus more on IT innovation, taking internal processes to a higher level.


Read full article DAAS – The five biggest misconceptions (