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How HKBN Managed Security Services (MSS) safeguard your complex IT environment

The recent cybersecurity statistics from CSO Online reveal that 63% of the surveyed companies has experienced potential data breaches in the last 12 months;and US$17,700 were lost every minute from phishing alone in 2019¹.

The cyber-threats are much closer than we think when South China Morning Posts reports that over 75% of SMEs in Hong Kong became victims of cyberattacks in 2018². While the risk has been raised further by work-from-home arrangements due to current COVID-19 situation, ineffective deployment of security solutions also leaves the door open to threats easily.

To identify the security loopholes and fix them rapidly are essential. However, it will be costly to hire all-round security professionals to manage the increasingly complex IT environment. Mid-sized companies in Hong Kong are now partnering with trusted Managed Security Services (MSS) providers for tailor-made security solutions to avoid potential risk and loss.

Read the full article here.


  1. Fruhlinger, J. (2020, March 9). Top cybersecurity facts, figures and statistics for 2020. CSO. Retrieved from


  1. Chik, H. (2019, October 14). Hong Kong’s smaller companies are not ready to face cybersecurity threats, warns Chubb Insurance. South China Morning Post. Retrieved from


Read the full article here.