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Cultivating Global Synergy with Ben Yeung


Today, being a solution-provider in global business means having the capability to virtually expand and connect employees with their customers and their coworkers, no matter where in the world those customers and coworkers might be. As the world still adjusts to a new status quo post-pandemic, global businesses based in places like Hong Kong have adjusted their long-term business model to accommodate for people working out of the office, whether that is in the home or otherwise. How do strategies and solutions for addressing these developing operations grow and change alongside other global industries? Through new partnerships and the robust thinking of experienced leaders within the industry, new, better solutions can come to fruition.

This is just some of what’s discussed in this episode of the GITA Interviews, as host and Global IT Alliance Executive Director, Emery Geosits is joined virtually by Ben Yeung, Co-owner and Chief Commercial Officer of Business Development and Partnerships of HKBN JOS, in Hong Kong.