customer stories
The CinemaxX Group operates 33 multiplex cinemas in Germany and Denmark with a total of 285 screens and some 73,000 seats. A pioneer in technical innovation, CinemaxX offers exceptional convenience and quality, thanks to sophisticated audio and video technology, oversized screens and comfortable, modern seating in stylish, air-conditioned theatres. After switching to digital 4K Ultra HD projection technology in mid-2013, each CinemaxX multiplex guarantees an unbeatable cinematic experience. In addition, digital technology has enabled the Group to consistently expand its diverse offering of non-film content for various target audiences.
By overhauling its entire technological and communications landscape, CinemaxX aimed not only to cut maintenance and operation overhead but also to integrate all of the Group’s communication media with its other IT. The goal was to design an environment that was reliable, efficient and built for the long term. This required establishing a homogeneous system able to quickly integrate new concepts. In addition, the Group wanted to improve overall IT service quality. Last but not least, the project had to be implemented swiftly without shutting down CinemaxX operations.
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