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Although much of the world has slowed in response to global pandemic, the IT industry has thrived in new ways despite a change and reset in dynamics for IT companies. Many businesses outside of the IT industry sought immediate solutions for ensuring the safety of employees and delivering quality products and services to customers. To be successful, IT companies must stay up to date with the latest solutions, technologies and tools, as well as possessing the global connections to successfully operate across oceans. Additionally, many IT companies are facing issues with supply shortages and product delivery. As we begin to exit the pandemic in parts of the world, what solutions can be applied to companies in various states of recovery and adaptation to the pandemic?
This is just some of what’s discussed in this episode of the GITA Interviews, as host and Global IT Alliance Executive Director, Emery Geosits is joined virtually by Dharmesh Anjaria in India. Dharmesh is the CEO of Dynocons Systems. They also discuss the flexibility and outside thinking required to successfully satisfy customers during the global pandemic.